Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Professional Assessment

This advisory effects educators in the field as well as, teacher candidates due to the complexity of technology in todays tech savvy society. Due to our responsibility to abide the professional and ethical standards according to the Ontario College of Teachers, we need to be especially careful with what we share with our students and what our students share within the school community. It is important to understand where to draw the line when sharing personal information before you get yourself in a world of trouble. Thus, this video reinforces the message that teachers should use social media to foster student learning and development but always keep in mind the sensor and safety aspects. 

The pros of this advisory is that it emphasizes the need for technology and social media within the classroom as students thrive on it. It is beneficial to have social media experts and teachers speak to this topic/issue as they bring educated evidence and practical experiences to the forefront. However, the con is that never once is the child's voice shown or used to demonstrate how social media effects them. 

Self Assessment-
Professional Knowledge

Members strive to be current in their professional knowledge and recognize its relationship to practice. They understand and reflect on student development, learning theory, pedagogy, curriculum, ethics, educational research and related policies and legislation to inform professional judgment in practice.

-> With much success, I am using current tools and research pedagogy's in order to stay current. This includes asking questions of others both in-person and online.

Professional Practice

Members apply professional knowledge and experience to promote student learning. They use appropriate pedagogy, assessment and evaluation, resources and technology in planning for and responding to the needs of individual students and learning communities. Members refine their professional practice through ongoing inquiry, dialogue and reflection.

-> With much success, I am applying my newly learned knowledge to other courses, to unit plans, and to my growing educational philosophy - including using strategies for other assignments, using new tools to collaborate and share.

Leadership in Learning Communities

Members promote and participate in the creation of collaborative, safe and supportive learning communities. They recognize their shared responsibilities and their leadership roles in order to facilitate student success. Members maintain and uphold the principles of the ethical standards in these learning communities.

->With much success, I am becoming more involved in online communities. I have used Twitter or Google+ as well as many blog's to share learning, to participate in discussions and to ask questions.

Ongoing Professional Learning

Members recognize that a commitment to ongoing professional learning is integral to effective practice and to student learning. Professional practice and self-directed learning are informed by experience, research, collaboration and knowledge.

-> With much success, I have becoming part of an ongoing professional learning community. I am willing to be open to changing educational perspectives. I am self directing in my learning and I am willing to ask questions of others.

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